Excel Reader and Consolidator

This bot automatically reads all Excel files in a folder and consolidates them into a single Excel file

Top Benefits

  • Automatic consolidation of multiple Excel files into a single Excel file


  • The bot will open base Excel and reads the multiple Excel files in the specified folder
  • Consolidates multiple Excel files into base Excel
  • Saves the consolidated Excel file

This bot automatically reads all Excel files in a folder and consolidates them into a single Excel file.

Steps of automatic consolidation:
• The bot will open base Excel, reads multiple Excel files in a specified folder
• Consolidates multiple Excel files into base Excel.
• Saves the consolidated Excel file.

Detailed Steps are as follows:
The bot will open base Excel and read the multiple Excel files in the specified folder, eg: The folder with multiple files could look like eg:- "base excel.xlsx, file_1.xlsx, file_2.xlsx, File_3.xlsx, etc. The bot will then proceed to be consolidating multiple files into a single Excel file.

The Condition Required to inputs from the user are:
Folder Path: Folder containing multiple Excel files that need to be consolidated.
Base Excel: Base Excel is the core Excel file that is used as a reference for the final output Excel file. It will be the 1st Excel file appended to the output Excel file

Input and Output Examples:
Go to the Input Excel and enter the following paths to the specific locations.
• Enter the Folder Containing Excel path: cell= ‘B4’
• Enter the Base Excel file path: cell =‘B5’
• Enter the Output Excel Name: cell =‘B6’
• Enter the Error log folder path: cell =‘B9’ :

The use-cases are primarily focused on automating the consolidation and collation of multiple Excel files into a single Excel file.

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Bot Security Program
Level 1
Business Process
Automation Type
Last Updated
May 20, 2021
First Published
September 28, 2020
Automation 360

See the Bot in Action

Select the folder path
Data consolidation view
"Excel Reader and Consolidator" finishes execution
Select the folder path
Data consolidation view
"Excel Reader and Consolidator" finishes execution

Setup Process


Download the Bot and follow the instructions to install it in your AAE Control Room.


Open the Bot to configure your username and other settings the Bot will need (see the Installation Guide or ReadMe for details.)


That's it - now the Bot is ready to get going!

Requirements and Inputs

  • Folder Path: Folder containing multiple Excel files which need to be consolidated
  • Base Excel: Base Excel is the core Excel file which is used as reference for the final output Excel file
  • NOTE: Base Excel file will be the 1st Excel file appended to the output Excel file