AWS Custom Package

AWS S3 Bucket Operations bot helps to automate routine AWS S3 cloud operations. Unlike the DLL, this does not need .net to be installed or additional parameters

Top Benefits

  • These actions help in managing basic cloud operations without needing to login to the AWS UI
  • Unlike the DLL, this does not require .net to be installed on the runner
  • It is more user-friendly than DLL since it does not require us to enter the namespace, class and function
  • Can be configured for any AWS account whose access ID and secret key can be put in vault
  • Allows programmatic access to bucket names and status to automate cloud management


  • Create a new S3 buckets by passing bucket name
  • Get all the buckets for the root user
  • Check if a bucket with a given name exists
  • Delete a bucket with a given name
  • Upload a file to a given S3 bucket

AWS S3 Bucket Operations bot helps us automate routine AWS cloud operations in S3 buckets.
The AWS Access Id and Secret Key can be passed from the credential vault and are managed with a session.

1. The “Start Session” action saves the Access Id and Secret Key passed securely from the vault and maintains it throughout the session. The “End Session” Action removes these values from the session.
2. The “Create Bucket” action creates a bucket of the given name if it does not already exist. Bucket name passed should be in small letters. If the bucket already exists, it will throw an exception.
3. The “Get S3 Bucket Names” action takes the session as input and returns a list of bucket names for the root user. This list can be iterated to get each bucket.
4. The “Check If Bucket Exists” action takes the session and bucket name as input. It returns a Boolean variable “True” if a bucket with the given name exists and “False” otherwise.
5. The “Delete a Bucket” action takes the session and a bucket name as input and deletes the bucket if empty. Non-empty buckets cannot be deleted. The action gives an exception if the bucket does not exist or if is not empty.
6. The “Upload a file to a given S3 bucket” takes the session, bucket name, full file path, and file name in Bucket. This action uploads the local file to the given S3 bucket.

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Bot Security Program
Level 1
Business Process
Sachdeep Sivakumar
Automation Type
Last Updated
May 27, 2022
First Published
September 16, 2021
Automation 360

See the Package in Action

Overall bot flow with action inputs and outputs
Create bucket and delete bucket actions
Upload file to a bucket
Overall bot flow with action inputs and outputs
Create bucket and delete bucket actions
Upload file to a bucket

Setup Process


Download the Package and follow the instructions to install it in your AAE Control Room.


Use the Package in a bot, configure keys and other credentials the package will need (see the ReadMe for details.)


That's it - now the Package is ready to get going!

Requirements and Inputs

  • AWS access ID and secret key should be put in credential vault
  • The AWS account should be assigned S3 bucket programmatic access by the IAM user
  • The AWS region should be provided to the “Start Session Action”