Bot Framework Package

Package to assist development by providing pre built actions for reading config, documenting code, shared logger, folder+ application cleanup and creation

Top Benefits

  • Read config from various sources (CSV,Excel,XML,JSON) directly into dictionary
  • Document code with clickable links and screenshots, making code more maintainable
  • Device cleanup activities to manage process, file, folder cleanup with configurable ruleset
  • Global logger with configurable ruleset- manage logs as per log level, save screenshot, detect source task
  • Capture and visualize complex/nested variables directly from logs


  • Config: Read CSV, Read Excel, Read JSON, Read XML
  • Device: Close Applications, Create Folders, Clean Directories
  • Documentation: About, Comment, Steps, Caution Steps
  • Logger: Start Session, Log Message, End Session

Last Update: 03/26/2024

Updates Include:

  • v3.0.4 - Removed eligibility for API tasks
  • Additional annotations and descriptions for better UI hints
  • Updates to the CSS for log file image
  • Addition of a documentation URL

The RPA bot framework package offers a suite of automation features:

  1. Config Read CSV/Excel/JSON/XML: Data extraction from config files and stores it in dictionaries.
  • Device Close Application: Manages running applications by sending close and terminate requests.
    Device Create Folders: Automatically creates directories, including necessary parent directories.
    Device Delete Files/Folders: Removes files or folders according to specified rules, their creation age and skip certain folder/file matching a pattern.
  • Documentation About: Documents task functionalities, inputs, outputs, and application settings.
    Documentation Caution Sequence: Runs command sequences with caution highlights, documentation, and screenshots.
    Documentation Comment: Allows insertion of comments and helper images in documentation.
    Documentation Sequence: Executes command sequences with support for documentation and screenshots.
  • Logs Start Session: Initiates a new logging session, this can be used by subtasks. Allows rolling log files, separate log files on the basis of log levels, capture screenshots within log files, capture complex/nested variables and visualize within log file.
    Log Message: Logs messages to a session file with an option for screenshots. Automatically captures date, machine, source task.
    Logs Stop Session: Ends a logging session.
Get Package


Bot Security Program
Level 1
Business Process
Automation Type
Last Updated
March 26, 2024
First Published
May 15, 2023
Automation 360

See the Package in Action

Logs with auto captured source, device ,user ,timestamp
Captured variable visualization
Captured screenshot
Logs with auto captured source, device ,user ,timestamp
Captured variable visualization
Captured screenshot

Setup Process


Download the Package and follow the instructions to install it in your AAE Control Room.


Use the Package in a bot, configure keys and other credentials the package will need (see the ReadMe for details.)


That's it - now the Package is ready to get going!

Requirements and Inputs

  • None