Excel Operation

This package is a package that streamlines processing related to Excel.

Top Benefits

  • Able to manipulate specified cells
  • Can create Excel graphs.
  • Can set the display format of cells.
  • Filtering of Excel data.


  • Merge specified cells.
  • Change the background color of the specified cell.
  • Change the font of the specified cell.
  • Add a border to the specified cell.
  • Read the display format of the specified cell.
  • Change the display format of the specified cell.
  • Create a graph.
  • Change the source range of a graph.
  • Change the graph type.
  • Set multiple filters for specified columns.

This package is a package that streamlines processing related to Excel.

Use cases
The main use cases are as follows.
•Clear multiple columns from table variables or extract multiple columns.
•Delete lines that don't meet the criteria.
•The value of the first row of the table variable is the header. If the header is already set, overwrite it.
•Specify and sort multiple items (up to 3 items). Sort according to the type of column subtype. Use the data table package Change column type action to change the subtype of a column.

Access Now


Business Process
Automation Type
Last Updated
January 31, 2025
First Published
October 4, 2024
Automation 360

See the Bot in Action

Change the background color of the specified cell
Set multiple filters for specified columns
Create a graph
Change the background color of the specified cell
Set multiple filters for specified columns
Create a graph

Setup Process


Download the Bot and follow the instructions to install it in your AAE Control Room.


Open the Bot to configure your username and other settings the Bot will need (see the Installation Guide or ReadMe for details.)


That's it - now the Bot is ready to get going!

Requirements and Inputs

  • All instructions updated on readme file