IQ Bot Additional

This package helps us find group numbers for a file based on name/ID. It can determine whether the instance is in staging or on prod. It can also give total pages uploaded

Top Benefits

  • IQ Bot Group helps check the group numbers for File Name so it is easy to fix IQ Bot defects
  • Group number can be checked without installing Postman
  • Can prevent IQ Bot failures due to instance being in Staging
  • Can help alert the business when the pages consumed approaches the IQ Bot license limit
  • Can get Group number based on file Id


  • Return the group nubers for a given Instance Id and file name
  • Return whether the instance is in staging or production
  • Returns the total pages consumed for an instance
  • Return generated File Id after uploading a file to instance
  • Return group number for a file based on file Id

The IQ Bot Additional package helps us find the group numbers for a file based on the file name and instance Id. It can help the bot ensure the instance is in production before uploading a file to IQ Bot. It can check the number of pages consumed in production so the IQ Bot license can be renewed well in advance. It can be used to upload files to IQ Bot and generate a unique file id. It can also get the group number based on the unique file Id.
The “IQ Bot Group” action takes Learning instance Id and File Name. It returns the group numbers for which a file with the same file name has been uploaded. (Multiple values will be separated by comma)

The “Instance Environment” action takes the Learning instance ID and returns whether the instance is in production or staging. This helps us ensure the instance is in production before uploading the file.
If the instance is in a staging environment, an exception can be thrown so that the bot can be re-run after moving the instance to production.
The “IQ Bot Production Count” action takes Instance Id. It returns the count of pages uploaded to IQ Bot so far. This helps check whether the IQ Bot license supports enough pages. An alert can be triggered when the number of pages consumed approached the license limit.

Get Package


Bot Security Program
Level 1
Business Process
Automation Type
Last Updated
October 25, 2021
First Published
October 25, 2021
Automation 360

See the Package in Action

Full bot overview
IQ Bot Group Action
Returns historical number of pages uploaded
Full bot overview
IQ Bot Group Action
Returns historical number of pages uploaded

Setup Process


Download the Package and follow the instructions to install it in your AAE Control Room.


Use the Package in a bot, configure keys and other credentials the package will need (see the ReadMe for details.)


That's it - now the Package is ready to get going!

Requirements and Inputs

  • The user should have “IQ Bot Services” permission in the Control Room
  • The file uploaded should be IQ Bot supported format(.pdf,.jpeg,.tiff or .png)
  • Instance IQ should be known